package dk.network42.osmfocus; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; public class PaintConfig { private static final String TAG = "PaintConfig"; public static final float DEFAULT_ZOOM = 2.5f; Paint debughud = new Paint(); Paint bounds = new Paint(); Paint paint = new Paint(); Paint waystroke = new Paint(); Paint waystroke2 = new Paint(); Paint wayfill2 = new Paint(); Paint service = new Paint(); Paint service2 = new Paint(); Paint waystrokesec = new Paint(); // secondary+primary roads Paint waystrokesec2 = new Paint(); Paint waystroketert = new Paint(); // tertiary+unclassifed roads Paint waystroketert2 = new Paint(); Paint waystroke_undef = new Paint(); Paint rail = new Paint(); // tertiary+unclassifed roads Paint rail2 = new Paint(); Paint track = new Paint(); Paint path = new Paint(); Paint water = new Paint(); Paint buildings = new Paint(); Paint buildings2 = new Paint(); Paint nature = new Paint(); Paint gps = new Paint(); Paint gps2 = new Paint(); Paint tag = new Paint(); Paint tagback = new Paint(); Paint tagback2 = new Paint(); Paint tagback2stroke = new Paint(); Paint tagback3 = new Paint(); Paint tagframe = new Paint(); Paint horizon = new Paint(); Paint[] focus = new Paint[8]; Paint[] focus2 = new Paint[8]; Paint fade = new Paint(); Paint tileerr = new Paint(); Paint attrib = new Paint(); int mLayer; Matrix viewmatrix = new Matrix(); Matrix inv = new Matrix(); float[] pts = new float[2]; // Scratchpad float[] pts2 = new float[2]; // Scratchpad boolean wireframe = false; float tagtextsize = 18; boolean antialias = true; float mHUDspacing, mListSpacing; float mScale = DEFAULT_ZOOM; float densityScale; //int mBackMapType = MAPTYPE_OSM; int mBackMapType = MapLayer.MAPTYPE_INTERNAL; public void setLayer(int layer) { mLayer = layer; } public int getLayer() { return mLayer; } public void setScale(float scale, Context ctx) { mScale = scale; update(ctx); } public float getScale() { return mScale; } public void update(Context ctx) { densityScale = ctx.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx); //Log.d(TAG, "Pref:LabelSize=" + sharedPrefs.getString("pref_labelsize", "15")); tagtextsize = densityScale * Float.parseFloat(sharedPrefs.getString("pref_labelsize", "15.0")); //wireframe = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("pref_wireframe", false); //Toast toast = Toast.makeText(ctx, "Textsize="+tagtextsize, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); //; debughud.setColor(Color.BLACK); debughud.setAntiAlias(antialias); debughud.setStrokeWidth(0); debughud.setTextSize(tagtextsize); mHUDspacing = tagtextsize; attrib.setColor(Color.GRAY); attrib.setAntiAlias(antialias); attrib.setStrokeWidth(0); attrib.setTextSize(densityScale*10); bounds.setColor(Color.BLACK); bounds.setStrokeWidth(0); bounds.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint.setAntiAlias(antialias); paint.setStrokeWidth(0); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(tagtextsize); mListSpacing = paint.getTextSize()+1; fade.setColor(Color.BLACK); fade.setStrokeWidth(0); fade.setAlpha(42); // Larger means less opaque tileerr.setColor(Color.RED); tileerr.setAlpha(42); // Larger means less opaque waystroke.setColor(Color.rgb(190, 190, 190)); waystroke.setAntiAlias(antialias); waystroke.setStrokeWidth(6); waystroke.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); waystroke.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); waystroke.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); waystroke2.setColor(Color.rgb(254, 254, 254)); waystroke2.setAntiAlias(antialias); waystroke2.setStrokeWidth(5); waystroke2.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); waystroke2.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); waystroke2.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); wayfill2.set(waystroke2); wayfill2.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); service.set(waystroke); service.setStrokeWidth(3); service2.set(waystroke2); service2.setStrokeWidth(2.4f); waystrokesec.setColor(Color.rgb(163, 123, 72)); waystrokesec.setAntiAlias(antialias); waystrokesec.setStrokeWidth(10); waystrokesec.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); waystrokesec.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); waystrokesec.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); waystrokesec2.setColor(Color.rgb(237, 237, 201)); waystrokesec2.setAntiAlias(antialias); waystrokesec2.setStrokeWidth(8); waystrokesec2.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); waystrokesec2.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); waystrokesec2.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); waystroketert.setColor(Color.rgb(190, 190, 190)); waystroketert.setAntiAlias(antialias); waystroketert.setStrokeWidth(10); waystroketert.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); waystroketert.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); waystroketert.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); waystroketert2.setColor(Color.rgb(254, 254, 254)); waystroketert2.setAntiAlias(antialias); waystroketert2.setStrokeWidth(8); waystroketert2.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); waystroketert2.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); waystroketert2.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); waystroke_undef.setColor(Color.rgb(210,210,210)); waystroke_undef.setAntiAlias(antialias); waystroke_undef.setStrokeWidth(0); waystroke_undef.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); waystroke_undef.setTextSize(16); //waypaint_undef.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] {1,2}, 0)); rail.setColor(Color.rgb(190, 190, 190)); rail.setAntiAlias(antialias); rail.setStrokeWidth(2.5f); rail.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); rail2.setColor(Color.rgb(254, 254, 254)); rail2.setAntiAlias(antialias); rail2.setStrokeWidth(2); rail2.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); rail2.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] {2f,2f}, 0)); path.setColor(Color.rgb(190, 108, 108)); // Paths and cycleways path.setAntiAlias(antialias); path.setStrokeWidth(1.5f); path.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); path.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] {4f,1.5f}, 0)); track.set(path); track.setColor(Color.rgb(156, 107, 8)); track.setStrokeWidth(2.5f); buildings.setColor(Color.rgb(224, 224, 224)); // Fill buildings.setAntiAlias(antialias); buildings.setStrokeWidth(0); buildings2.setColor(Color.rgb(145, 145, 145)); // Outline buildings2.setAntiAlias(antialias); buildings2.setStrokeWidth(0); buildings2.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); nature.setColor(Color.rgb(212, 228, 196)); nature.setAntiAlias(antialias); nature.setStrokeWidth(0); water.setColor(Color.rgb(181, 208, 208)); water.setAntiAlias(antialias); water.setStrokeWidth(0); gps.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 192)); // Circle defining physical location and accuracy gps.setAntiAlias(antialias); gps.setStrokeWidth(0); gps.setAlpha(32); gps2.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 200)); gps2.setAntiAlias(antialias); gps2.setStrokeWidth(0); gps2.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); tag.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0)); tag.setAntiAlias(antialias); tag.setStrokeWidth(0); tag.setTextSize(tagtextsize); tagback.setColor(Color.rgb(230, 230, 140)); tagback.setAntiAlias(antialias); tagback.setStrokeWidth(0); //tagback.setAlpha(190); tagback2.setColor(Color.rgb(160, 240, 160)); tagback2.setAntiAlias(antialias); tagback2.setStrokeWidth(0); //tagback2stroke.setAlpha(190); tagback2stroke.setColor(Color.rgb(160, 240, 160)); tagback2stroke.setAntiAlias(antialias); tagback2stroke.setStrokeWidth(4); //tagback2stroke.setAlpha(200); tagback3.setColor(Color.WHITE); tagback3.setAntiAlias(antialias); tagback3.setStrokeWidth(0); //tagback3.setAlpha(220); tagframe.setColor(Color.BLACK); tagframe.setAntiAlias(antialias); tagframe.setStrokeWidth(1); tagframe.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); horizon.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 200)); horizon.setAntiAlias(antialias); horizon.setStrokeWidth(0); horizon.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); for (int ii=0; ii<8; ii++) { // highlighted objects focus[ii] = new Paint(); switch (ii%8) { // See case 0: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0xff, 0x44, 0x44)); break; case 1: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0xff, 0xbb, 0x33)); break; case 2: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0x99, 0xcc, 0)); break; case 3: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0xaa, 0x66, 0xcc)); break; case 4: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0x33, 0xb5, 0xe5)); break; // Darker variants below case 5: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0xcc, 0, 0)); break; case 6: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0xff, 0x88, 0)); break; case 7: focus[ii].setColor(Color.rgb(0x66, 0x99, 0)); break; } focus[ii].setAntiAlias(antialias); focus[ii].setStrokeWidth(densityScale * 3/mScale); // Used with global scaling focus[ii].setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); focus[ii].setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); //focus[ii].setAlpha(42); // Larger means less opaque focus2[ii] = new Paint(focus[ii]); focus2[ii].setStrokeWidth(densityScale * 1.5f); // Used with screen scaling } } // FIXME: Autoset when modifying viewmatrix, add methods for updating viewmatrix and autoset in these private void setInvertM() { assert viewmatrix.invert(inv); viewmatrix.invert(inv); } // Convert from world coords (not mercator projected) to screen coords public float[] world2view(double lon, double lat) { float [] pts = new float[]{(float)lon*MapView.prescale, (float)GeoMath.latToMercator(lat)*MapView.prescale}; viewmatrix.mapPoints(pts); return pts; } // Convert from view coords to world coords (not mercator projected) public double[] view2world(float x, float y) { pts[0] = x; pts[1] = y; double [] ptsd = new double[2]; setInvertM(); inv.mapPoints(pts); ptsd[0] = pts[0]/MapView.prescale; ptsd[1] = GeoMath.mercatorToLat(pts[1]/MapView.prescale); return ptsd; } public void view2world(RectF rect) { setInvertM(); pts[0] = rect.left; pts[1] =; inv.mapPoints(pts); rect.left = pts[0]/MapView.prescale; = (float) GeoMath.mercatorToLat(pts[1]/MapView.prescale); pts[0] = rect.right; pts[1] = rect.bottom; inv.mapPoints(pts); rect.right = pts[0]/MapView.prescale; rect.bottom = (float) GeoMath.mercatorToLat(pts[1]/MapView.prescale); } boolean hasTag(OsmElement e, OsmElement multiPolyOuter, String key, String val) { return ((multiPolyOuter==null && e.hasTag(key, val)) || (multiPolyOuter!=null && multiPolyOuter.hasTag(key, val))); } boolean hasTagKey(OsmElement e, OsmElement multiPolyOuter, String key) { return ((multiPolyOuter==null && e.hasTagKey(key)) || (multiPolyOuter!=null && multiPolyOuter.hasTagKey(key))); } // Small hack public Paint look, look2, nodelook; public void getWayPaints(OsmElement e, OsmElement multiPolyOuter) { look = look2 = nodelook = null; if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "natural", "water")) { if (getLayer()==0) { look = water; } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "natural", "scrub") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "landuse", "forest") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "landuse", "grass") || hasTagKey(e, multiPolyOuter, "natural")) { if (getLayer()==0) { look = nature; } } else if (hasTagKey(e, multiPolyOuter, "building")) { if (getLayer()==0) { look = buildings; look2 = buildings2; } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "residential") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "living_street") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "pedestrian")) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = waystroke; } else if (getLayer()==2) { if (e.mIsArea) { look = wayfill2; } else { look = waystroke2; } } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "service")) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = service; } else if (getLayer()==2) { look = service2; } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "secondary") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "primary") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "trunk") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "motorway")) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = waystrokesec; } else if (getLayer()==2) { look = waystrokesec2; } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "tertiary") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "unclassified")) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = waystroketert; } else if (getLayer()==2) { look = waystroketert2; } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "path") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "cycleway") || hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "footway")) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = path; } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "railway", "rail")) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = rail; } else if (getLayer()==1) { look = rail2; } } else if (hasTag(e, multiPolyOuter, "highway", "track")) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = track; } } else if (multiPolyOuter==null) { if (getLayer()==1) { look = waystroke_undef; nodelook = paint; } } } }