# jitsi Créée le Sunday 23 May 2021 **Installation** ---------------- wget -q -O - | tar xzv --strip-components 1 docker-jitsi-meet-stable-5870/docker-compose.yml docker-jitsi-meet-stable-5870/env.example docker-jitsi-meet-stable-5870/gen-passwords.sh cp env.example .env [./gen-passwords.sh](./jitsi_files/gen-passwords.sh) mv .env .ENVFILE_TMPAUTOTRASH mkdir -p ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/{web/letsencrypt,transcripts,prosody/config,prosody/prosody-plugins-custom,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri} ### Appliquer les modifications sur docker-compose.yml 1) ajouter aux 4 containers : env_file: - .ENVFILE_TMPAUTOTRASH 2) container jvb : commenter # - '${JVB_TCP_PORT}:${JVB_TCP_PORT}' 3) container web : commenter # - '${HTTPS_PORT}:443' ### Appliquer les modifications sur .ENVFILE_TMPAUTOTRASH --- > JIBRI_XMPP_PASSWORD= 36c36 < HTTP_PORT=8085 --- > HTTP_PORT=8000 39c39 < #HTTPS_PORT=8443 --- > HTTPS_PORT=8443 42c42 < TZ=Europe/Paris --- > TZ=UTC 45c45 < PUBLIC_URL= --- > #PUBLIC_URL= 50c50 < DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS= --- > #DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS= 75c75 < ENABLE_LETSENCRYPT=0 --- > #ENABLE_LETSENCRYPT=1 134c134 < ENABLE_AUTH=0 --- > #ENABLE_AUTH=1 212c212 < XMPP_SERVER=prosody --- > XMPP_SERVER=xmpp.meet.jitsi 215c215 < XMPP_BOSH_URL_BASE=http://prosody:5280 --- > XMPP_BOSH_URL_BASE= 252c252 < JVB_PORT=8085 --- > JVB_PORT=10000 255c255 < JVB_TCP_HARVESTER_DISABLED=false --- > JVB_TCP_HARVESTER_DISABLED=true 321c321 < ENABLE_RECORDING=0 --- > #ENABLE_RECORDING=1 358c358 < DISABLE_HTTPS=1 --- > #DISABLE_HTTPS=1 366c366 < ENABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT=0 --- > #ENABLE_HTTP_REDIRECT=1 375c375 < ENABLE_IPV6=0 --- > #ENABLE_IPV6=1 ### Paramétrer config.js [~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/web/config.js](.jitsi-meet-cfg/web/config.js) : p2p: { // Enables peer to peer mode. When enabled the system will try to // establish a direct connection when there are exactly 2 participants // in the room. If that succeeds the conference will stop sending data // through the JVB and use the peer to peer connection instead. When a // 3rd participant joins the conference will be moved back to the JVB // connection. enabled: true, -> changer à false enableInsecureRoomNameWarning: true, disableThirdPartyRequests: true, // Options related to the remote participant menu. remoteVideoMenu: { If set to true the 'Kick out' button will be disabled. disableKick: false, If set to true the 'Grant moderator' button will be disabled. disableGrantModerator: false, }, ### Paramétrer ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/web/interface-config.js APP_NAME: 'Jitsi Garbaye', DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME: 'Participant', JITSI_WATERMARK_LINK: ', Autres commandes utiles (pour les scripts) ------------------------------------------ ### **Suivre les releases - flux RSS** ### **Get current version** curl -sI | grep ^location | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' ### bash : sed qui échoue si il ne trouve pas ## function sed-in-place () { grep -q ${1} ${3} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sed -i -e "s|${1}|${2}|g" ${3} else echo "Pattern ${1} not found in file ${3}, exiting." exit 1 fi } ## call sed-in-place "^HTTPS_PORT=8443" "#HTTPS_PORT=8443" env.example