#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPTNAME="$( basename -- "$0" )" # check : current user is root? check_root () { [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]] } # ok if root ensure_root () { if ! check_root; then echo "ERROR : This script must be run as root" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if non root ensure_not_root () { if check_root; then echo "ERROR : This script must not be *run* as root" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if running script from current directory ensure_pwd_is_scriptdir () { if [[ $PWD != $ABSDIR ]]; then echo "Please cd in the script directory before running it :" echo "cd ${ABSDIR}" echo "./${SCRIPTNAME}" exit 1 fi } # make sure systemd directory exists ensure_systemd_as_user_dir_exists () { [[ -d ${HOME}/.config/systemd/user/ ]] || mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/systemd/user/ } # sed or die trying sed_in_place () { grep -q "${1}" "${3}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sed -i -e "s|${1}|${2}|g" ${3} else echo "Pattern ${1} not found in file ${3}, exiting." exit 1 fi } # check: systemd unit exists check_systemd_unit_exists () { systemctl --user cat -- ${1} &> /dev/null } # check if variable is empty check_variable_is_empty () { [[ -z ${!1} ]] } # ensure variable is defined ensure_variable_is_defined () { if check_variable_is_empty ${1}; then echo "Error : variable ${1} must be defined" exit 1 fi } # ensure all variables are defined ensure_variables_are_defined () { for i in ${1}; do ensure_variable_is_defined $i done } # check if IPv4 syntax is valid check_valid_ipv4() { re='^((1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\.){3}' re+='(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$' if [[ ${1} =~ ${re} ]]; then return 0 else echo "ERROR : ${1} is not a valid IPv4 address" exit 1 fi } # Get default interface IPv4 address # and return result in variable passed as argument get_default_iface_ipv4() { # Call this function with the name of the variable # you want to store the result in : # get_default_iface_ipv4 myipv4 # See https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/return-values-bash-functions local __resultvar=${1} local __default_iface=$(awk '$2 == 00000000 { print $1 }' /proc/net/route) local __default_iface_ipv4=$(ip addr show dev "${__default_iface}" | awk '$1 == "inet" { sub("/.*", "", $2); print $2 }') if check_valid_ipv4 ${__default_iface_ipv4}; then eval $__resultvar="'${__default_iface_ipv4}'" return 0 else exit 1 fi } # ok if systemd unit file {1} exists ensure_systemd_unit_exists () { if ! check_systemd_unit_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} does not exists!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if systemd unit file {1} does not exists ensure_systemd_unit_not_exists () { if check_systemd_unit_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} exists!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: systemd unit running check_systemd_unit_running () { systemctl --user is-active --quiet service ${1} } # ok if systemd unit {1} is running ensure_systemd_unit_running () { if ! check_systemd_unit_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} is not running!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if systemd unit {1} is NOT running ensure_systemd_unit_not_running () { if check_systemd_unit_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} is running!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: container $1 exists? check_container_exists () { podman container exists ${1} } # ok if container exists ensure_container_exists () { if ! check_container_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} does not exists" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if container does not exists ensure_container_not_exists () { if check_container_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} exists" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: container ${1} is running? check_container_running () { [[ "podman container inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' ${1}" == "running" ]] } # ok if container is running ensure_container_running () { if ! check_container_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} is not running" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if container is not running ensure_container_not_running () { if check_container_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} is running" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: pod $1 exists? check_pod_exists () { podman pod exists ${1} } # ok if pod exists ensure_pod_exists () { if ! check_pod_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : pod ${1} does not exists" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if pod does not exists ensure_pod_not_exists () { if check_pod_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : pod ${1} exists" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: pod ${1} is running? check_pod_running () { [[ "podman pod inspect -f '{{.State}}' ${1}" == "Running" ]] } # ok if pod is running ensure_pod_running () { if ! check_pod_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : pod ${1} is not running" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if pod is not running ensure_pod_not_running () { if check_pod_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : pod ${1} is running" exit 1 else return 0 fi }