#!/usr/bin/env bash ABSDIR="$( dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")" )" source ${ABSDIR}/../functions.sh source ${ABSDIR}/vars.sh ensure_pwd_is_scriptdir ensure_not_root ensure_pod_not_exists ${pod_name} ensure_variables_are_defined "$envvars" if ! podman volume exists ${dbvolume} ; then echo "Error : DB volume ${dbvolume} does not exists. Consider running 05_freshinstall.sh if this is the first install." exit 1 fi if ! podman volume exists ${datavolume} ; then echo "Error : DATA volume ${datavolume} does not exists. Consider running 05_freshinstall.sh if this is the first install." exit 1 fi cat <> .env APP_NAME=${GARBAYE_GITEA_APPNAME} GITEA__database__DB_TYPE=postgres GITEA__database__HOST=db:5432 GITEA__database__NAME=gitea GITEA__database__PASSWD=${GARBAYE_GITEA_POSTGRES_PASSWORD} GITEA__database__USER=gitea GITEA__mailer__ENABLED=true GITEA__mailer__FROM=${GARBAYE_GITEA_SMTP_FROM} GITEA__mailer__SMTP_ADDR=${GARBAYE_GITEA_SMTP_ADDR} GITEA__mailer__SMTP_PORT=25 GITEA__security__INSTALL_LOCK=true GITEA__server__DOMAIN=${GARBAYE_GITEA_DOMAIN} GITEA__server__SSH_DOMAIN=${GARBAYE_GITEA_DOMAIN} GITEA__server__ROOT_URL="https://${GARBAYE_GITEA_DOMAIN}" GITEA__server__SSH_PORT=${sshlisten_port} GITEA__service__DISABLE_REGISTRATION=true POSTGRES_DB=gitea POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${GARBAYE_GITEA_POSTGRES_PASSWORD} POSTGRES_USER=gitea EOT export gitea_image export gitea_version export postgres_image export postgres_version export weblisten_if export weblisten_port export sshlisten_if export sshlisten_port if ! podman image exists ${gitea_image}:${gitea_version}; then podman image pull ${gitea_image}:${gitea_version} || exit 1 fi podman image pull ${postgres_image}:${postgres_version} && # force refresh of app.ini podman unshare rm -f `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/conf/app.ini podman-compose --pod-args="--infra=true --infra-name=${project_name}_infra --share=" --podman-run-args "--requires=${project_name}_infra --env-file .env" up -d && echo -n "Waiting for gitea to finish starting " && ( podman container logs -f ${container_name} 2>&1 & ) | grep -q 'NewServer()' && echo "OK" && podman container exec --user 1000:1000 gitea gitea embedded extract --overwrite --destination /data/gitea/ 'templates/home.tmpl' podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.app_desc\"}}/,${s//Plateforme collaborative de projets libres./;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.install\"}}/,${s//Qui peut avoir un compte ?/;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.install_desc\" | Str2html}}/,${s//Tous ceux qui partagent de près ou de loin nos idées ou notre vision./;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.lightweight\"}}/,${s//Comment créer un compte ?/;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.lightweight_desc\" | Str2html}}/,${s//Pour des raisons de capacité et de gestion, l\x27enregistrement de compte en ligne est désactivé. Si vous souhaitez avoir un compte, contactez nous<\/a> pour nous parler de vos projets et besoins./;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.platform\"}}/,${s//Quels contenus sont acceptés ?/;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.platform_desc\" | Str2html}}/,${s//La forge accueille tout type de contenu tel que code source, documentation, artistique, littéraire, etc. Un usage raisonnable en espace disque est attendu de nos utilisateurs./;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.license\"}}/,${s//Licences libres/;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman unshare sed -i '/{{ctx.locale.Tr \"startpage.license_desc\" | Str2html}}/,${s//Tous les projets présents sur cette forge sont publiés sous licences libres, au sens de la Free Software Foundation<\/a>./;b};$q1' `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/gitea/templates/home.tmpl && podman pod stop ${pod_name} && echo Pod built and stopped. && shred -u .env