#!/usr/bin/env bash ABSDIR="$( dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")" )" source ${ABSDIR}/../functions.sh source ${ABSDIR}/vars.sh ensure_pwd_is_scriptdir ensure_not_root ensure_variables_are_defined "$envvars" if podman volume exists ${dbvolume} ; then echo "Error : DB volume ${dbvolume} already exists." echo "Please remove it before a freshinstall, or continue with a standard installation." exit 1 fi if podman volume exists ${datavolume} ; then echo "Error : DATA volume ${datavolume} already exists." echo "Please remove it before a freshinstall, or continue with a standard installation." exit 1 fi if podman volume exists ${uploadsvolume} ; then echo "Error : UPLOADS volume ${uploadsvolume} already exists." echo "Please remove it before a freshinstall, or continue with a standard installation." exit 1 fi podman volume create ${dbvolume} podman volume create ${datavolume} && podman unshare chmod 0777 `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}` podman volume create ${uploadsvolume} && podman unshare mod 0777 `get_podman_volume_path ${uploadsvolume}` ${ABSDIR}/10_install.sh