#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPTNAME="$( basename -- "$0" )" # check : current user is root? check_root () { [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]] } # ok if root ensure_root () { if ! check_root; then echo "ERROR : This script must be run as root" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if non root ensure_not_root () { if check_root; then echo "ERROR : This script must not be *run* as root" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if running script from current directory ensure_pwd_is_scriptdir () { if [[ $PWD != $ABSDIR ]]; then echo "Please cd in the script directory before running it :" echo "cd ${ABSDIR}" echo "./${SCRIPTNAME}" exit 1 fi } # make sure systemd directory exists ensure_systemd_as_user_dir_exists () { [[ -d ${HOME}/.config/systemd/user/ ]] || mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/systemd/user/ } # check: systemd unit exists check_systemd_unit_exists () { systemctl --user cat -- ${1} &> /dev/null } # ok if systemd unit file {1} exists ensure_systemd_unit_exists () { if ! check_systemd_unit_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} does not exists!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if systemd unit file {1} does not exists ensure_systemd_unit_not_exists () { if check_systemd_unit_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} already exists!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: systemd unit running check_systemd_unit_running () { systemctl --user is-active --quiet service ${1} } # ok if systemd unit {1} is running ensure_systemd_unit_running () { if ! check_systemd_unit_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} is not running!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if systemd unit {1} is NOT running ensure_systemd_unit_not_running () { if check_systemd_unit_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : systemd unit ${1} is running!" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: container $1 exists? check_container_exists () { podman container exists ${1} } # ok if container exists ensure_container_exists () { if ! check_container_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} does not exists" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if container does not exists ensure_container_not_exists () { if check_container_exists ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} already exists" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # check: container ${1} is running? check_container_running () { [[ "podman container inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' ${1}" == "running" ]] } # ok if container is running ensure_container_running () { if ! check_container_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} is not running" exit 1 else return 0 fi } # ok if container is not running ensure_container_not_running () { if check_container_running ${1}; then echo "ERROR : container ${1} is running" exit 1 else return 0 fi }