#!/usr/bin/env bash ABSDIR="$( dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")" )" source ${ABSDIR}/../functions.sh source ${ABSDIR}/vars.sh ensure_pwd_is_scriptdir ensure_not_root ensure_pod_not_exists ${pod_name} ensure_variables_are_defined "$envvars" if ! podman volume exists ${dbvolume} ; then echo "Error : DB volume ${dbvolume} does not exists. Consider running 05_freshinstall.sh if this is the first install." exit 1 fi if ! podman volume exists ${datavolume} ; then echo "Error : DATA volume ${datavolume} does not exists. Consider running 05_freshinstall.sh if this is the first install." exit 1 fi cat <> .env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} DB_ROOT_PASSWD=${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_ADMIN_PASSWORD} SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME=${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME} SEAFILE_ADMIN_EMAIL=${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_ADMIN_EMAIL} EOT export seafile_image export seafile_release export mariadb_release export memcached_release export listen_if export listen_port export listen_ws_port if ! podman image exists ${seafile_image}:${seafile_release}; then podman image pull ${seafile_image}:${seafile_release} || exit 1 fi podman image pull docker.io/library/memcached:${memcached_release} && podman image pull docker.io/library/mariadb:${mariadb_release} && podman-compose --pod-args="--infra=true --infra-name=${project_name}_infra --share=" --podman-run-args "--requires=${project_name}_infra --env-file .env" up -d && echo -n "Waiting for seahub_settings.py " && while [ ! -e `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/seafile/conf/seahub_settings.py ]; do echo -n "." sleep 1 done && echo "OK" && podman_unshare_sed_in_place "^FILE_SERVER_ROOT = \"http://${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME}/seafhttp\"" "FILE_SERVER_ROOT = \"https://${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_SERVER_HOSTNAME}/seafhttp\"\nEMAIL_USE_TLS = False\nEMAIL_HOST = '${GARBAYE_SEAFILE_SMTP_SERVER}'\nEMAIL_HOST_USER = ''\nEMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = ''\nEMAIL_PORT = 25\nDEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'noreply@seafile.garbaye.fr'\nSERVER_EMAIL = 'noreply@seafile.garbaye.fr'" `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/seafile/conf/seahub_settings.py && podman_unshare_sed_in_place_multiline "\[notification\]\nenabled = false\nhost =" "[notification]\nenabled = true\nhost =" `get_podman_volume_path ${datavolume}`/seafile/conf/seafile.conf && echo -n "Waiting for seahub to finish starting " && ( podman container logs -f seafile 2>&1 & ) | grep -q 'Seahub is started' && echo "OK" && podman pod stop ${pod_name} && echo Pod built and stopped. && shred -u .env