#!/usr/bin/env bash ABSDIR="$( dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")" )" source ${ABSDIR}/../functions.sh source ${ABSDIR}/vars.sh ensure_pwd_is_scriptdir ensure_not_root if ! podman volume exists ${srvdata_volume} ; then echo "Error : data volume ${srvdata_volume} does not exists. Consider running 05_freshinstall.sh if this is the first install." exit 1 fi if ! podman image exists "${privatebin_image}":"${privatebin_version}"; then podman image pull "${privatebin_image}":"${privatebin_version}" || exit 1 fi sha=$(skopeo inspect docker://"${privatebin_image}":"${privatebin_version}" | jq -r '.Labels."org.opencontainers.image.revision"') curl -so ${HOME}/conf.php https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin/${sha}/cfg/conf.sample.php # disable never expire option sed_in_place "never = 0" ";never = 0" ${HOME}/conf.php podman container run -d --read-only --name ${container_name} \ -p ${listen_if}:${listen_port}:8080 \ --mount=type=tmpfs,destination=/run,U=true \ --mount=type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp \ --mount=type=tmpfs,destination=/var/lib/nginx/tmp,U=true \ -v ${srvdata_volume}:/srv/data:U,Z \ -v ${HOME}/conf.php:/srv/cfg/conf.php:U,Z,ro \ "${privatebin_image}":"${privatebin_version}" && ( podman container logs -f ${container_name} 2>&1 & ) | grep -q 'NOTICE: ready to handle connections' && podman container stop ${container_name} && echo Container ${container_name} successfully built and stopped.