gandi_live_dns ---- This is a simple dynamic DNS updater for the [Gandi]( registrar. It uses their [LiveDNS REST API]( to update the zone file for a subdomain of a domain to point at the external IPv4 address of the computer it has been run from. It has been developed on Debian 8 Jessie and tested on Debian 9 Sretch GNU/Linux using Python 2.7. With the new v5 Website, Gandi has also launched a new REST API which makes it easier to communicate via bash/curl or python/requests. ### Goal You want your homeserver to be always available at `dynamic_subdomain.mydomain.tld`. ### Debian Package Requirements `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install unzip python-requests python-args python-simplejson` #### API Key First, you must apply for an API key with Gandi. Visit and apply for (at least) the production API key by following their directions. #### A DNS Record Create the DNS A Records in the GANDI Webinterface which you want to update if your IP changes. #### Git Clone or Download the Script Download the Script from here as [zip]([tar.gz]( and extract it. or clone from git `git clone` #### Script Configuration Then you'd need to configure the script in the src directory. Copy `` to ``, and put it in the same directory as the script. Edit the config file to fit your needs. ##### api_secret Start by retrieving your API Key from the "Security" section in new [Gandi Account admin panel]( to be able to make authenticated requests to the API. api_secret = '---my_secret_API_KEY----' ##### api_endpoint Gandiv5 LiveDNS API Location ``` api_endpoint = '' ``` ##### domain Your domain for the subdomains to be updated ##### subdomains All subdomains which should be updated. They get created if they do not yet exist. ``` subdomains = ["subdomain1", "subdomain2", "subdomain3"] ``` The first subdomain is used to find out the actual IP in the Zone Records. #### Run the script And run the script: ``` root@dyndns:~/gandi_live_dns-master/src# ./ Checking dynamic IP: Checking IP from DNS Record subdomain1: IP Address Match - no further action ``` If your IP has changed, it will be detected and the update will be triggered. ``` root@dyndns:~/gandi_live_dns-master/src# ./ Checking dynamic IP: Checking IP from DNS Record subdomain1: IP Address Mismatch - going to update the DNS Records for the subdomains with new IP Status Code: 201 , DNS Record Created , IP updated for subdomain1 Status Code: 201 , DNS Record Created , IP updated for subdomain2 Status Code: 201 , DNS Record Created , IP updated for subdomain3 ``` #### Command Line Arguments ``` root@dyndns:~/gandi_live_dns-master/src# ./ -h usage: [-h] [-f] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f, --force force an update/create ``` The force option runs the script, even when no IP change has been detected. It will update all subdomains and even create them if they are missing in the Zone File/Zone UUID. This can be used if additional/new subdomains get appended to the conig file. ### IP address lookup service There exist several providers for this case, but better is to run your own somewhere. #### Poor Mans PHP Solution On a LAMP Stack, place the file [index.php] in a directory /ip in your webroot. ``` root@laptop:~# curl ``` This should fit your personal needs and you still selfhost the whole thing. #### A simple service for looking up your IP address. This is the code that powers []( #### use external services choose one as described in the config file. ### Cron the script ``` */5 * * * * /root//root/gandi_live_dns-master/src/ >/dev/null 2>&1 ``` ### Upcoming Features * command line Argument for verbose mode ### Inspiration This DynDNS updater is inspired by which worked very well with the classic DNS from Gandiv4 Website and their XML-RPC API. Gandi has created a new API, i accidently switched to the new DNS Record System, so someone had to start a new updater.